Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Roberta Williams: My Life by Roberta Williams

Roberta Williams: My Life by Roberta Williams
A very easy read... Helped by the writing of someone who is clearly uneducated and badly edited... On page 81 there are 2 paragraphs that are exactly the same over two pages... It is very much written to reflect the 'now' in her life at the time she wrote it, which was definitely a mistake as it is already outdated... All of that aside it is an engrossing read... Not a book that you cant book down, but interesting when you are reading it...
Her life is like that of many people I work with - tough, and you can see how that has made her who she is today... There are definitely bits and pieces which are half truths or over exaggerated, but if only half of the book was based on fact it is still an interesting story... If you are into the Melbourne crime world then you should definitely pick it up... I'm almost certain it will be re released with a couple new chapters now that Carl is dead...

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