Wednesday, May 19, 2010

IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia) Flashmob at Federation Square Melbourne

May 17th, 2010
On International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia (IDAHO) a flashmob fell to the ground and lay 'dead' for three minutes, in Melbourne's Federation Square, in commemoration of victims
I attended this... I often feel that as a straight woman I can't speak on these things as I haven't had homophobic remarks or actions directed at me, but I am human and it breaks my heart that homophobia is still so prevalent in 2010... I feel very strongly about LGBT rights and although I couldn't make Saturdays rally for Equal Love I wanted to participate in some way... It was very profound to be still on the cold sidewalk in Swanston Street for 3 minutes, reflecting on what it might be like to be a victim of a hate crime... Just reinforces for me that its time for all of this to stop, for everyone to accept everyone for all of our differences we are all the same, just humans trying to get by in this world...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I didn't know about the playing dead thing... that's awesome. :D