Mothers Day
I know people keep mentioning that I put
sooo much food on my blog, but the fact is I love food (have you seen my arse?!?), cooking it and eating it... When my
Nanna died when I was a girl, my great aunts put together another mothers day for my mum and her sisters, and in turn me and my cousin... So the Sunday after Mothers Day all of the blood related women on my
Nannas side of the family get together to eat lots of food, and spend some time catching up etc... This was
todays effort...

Mums Cheese
Aunty Vivies Cheese and Spinach Pie
Aunty Vivies Carrot Cake
Michelles Chocolate Hedgehog
Mums Peppermint cream slice

My Chocolate Chunk Macaroons
My Magnolia Vanilla Cupcakes
My Magnolia Vanilla Cupcakes pt2
Nancys Husbands Vanilla Slice
Cheese and Bacon Pies