When the Supafest tickets went on sale, it was in the midst of two kid tiredness... I saw it as a light at the end of the tunnel, a set date in the future that we would be able to leave the kids overnight, go out, listen to loud hip hop, hold hands with my love, and not be suffering exhaustion... I thought the tickets were pricey for a one stage festival, but the line up was impressive... Ice Cube was high on our lists, having never seen him before... Also P Diddy, Missy Elliot, Ludacris, Kelly Rowland and Naughty by Nature (again), were on our list to check... As time went on and the cancellations took out half my list, I was getting angry about effectively paying $130 to see Ice Cube...
In the hours leading up to the event I put all of the grrrrrr behind me and just saw it as a day out with my wonderful husband... It was 26 and sunny, I had the best human in the universe as company, and there would be music that I love - even if in limited quantity...
On the train there were LOADS of kids, I was getting worried, we might just be the oldest people there... Surprisingly we weren't, but when Naughty by Nature did a 'who is under 25?' 90% of the people there put their hands up!
The wait time getting in, tickets, bag search section was set up well... They barely searched anything, thought at hip hop shows there would be a pat down, but nothing... Great food choices, not enough toilets, and pretty mediocre stalls... The merchandise was good, but not enough people working there...
Never a fan of the bar separate from the party, we didn't use it... The grandstand seating was awesome, somewhere to chill, especially when less awesome acts were on - Lupe, I'm talking to you...
Naughty By Nature were awesome... I am a fan from my teens, they did a good job... It felt tragic that you could see most of the kids had no idea about them... Got teary when Treach did the Tupac spiel...
Lupe Fiasco, oh dear... I know I am a good 10 years older then the crowd, and my feelings on Lupe confirm that I have missed something critical about today's music... Dude has no voice, style, charisma... I don't know what they like about him?
DJ Scratch, set was okay... The whole thing he did about men 'tasting' ladies was a bit off key at an all ages event... Some of the tracks he played we're awesome, unfortunately done were stopped short due to the kids not knowing them, which was sad... In an effort to crossover he played 'smells like teen spirit' Nirvana... This was the least impressive thing he could have done with true fans, but the kids loved it...
Ice Cube... Great... I am so glad I saw him... Could have done with more old tracks, but can absolutely see why he didn't do it... Worth going to see him alone! I also think its adorable he brought his boys on, and that one if their emcee names is Dough Boy... After the show we came home and watched Boyz N The Hood...
Kelly Rowland, there is a part of me that needed to see her... Girl looked gooood! Her dancers were smoking hot! Her track selection was appropriate... I just didn't think she quite brought it... Felt that her vocal wasn't on point, and her backing track was turned up way too much on some tracks...
Overall, the beautiful weather, good layout, not too offensive crowd did make up for the cancelled acts... I had an amazing time! Was also nice to meet Dr Bind from ozhiphop.com, always good to put a face to the name, especially after so many years!